
Body Image and Eating

Help YourShelf to...Books

Have a look at some of our books related to body image and how to overcome difficulties related to this. All of the titles are available in our RGU Library collection, so you can borrow them whenever you would like. Just click on the title of the book and you will be taken to the book page on our LibrarySearch tool.

Eat, Drink, and Be Mindful

Eat, Drink, and Be Mindful is a new tool for dealing with the age-old problem of mindless overeating. The book is a collection of more than seventy worksheets, organized around the seven skills of mindful-eater-awareness: observing, being in-the-moment, acceptance, letting go, non-judgment, and mindfulness of the environment. 

The Brain Over Binge Recovery Guide

Although recovery is not the same for everyone, this book posits that there are only two essential goals that must be met to end bulimia and binge eating disorder.

Overcoming Body Image Problems

Body image problems can cause significant distress and can lead to further problems such as anxiety, eating disorders and social phobia.

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia

This book provides much needed alternatives for the helpers who are all too often drawn into coercing the sufferer to eat, which is psychologically destructive, or ignoring the physical aspects of the problem which can be dangerous.

Fat Is A Feminist Issue

With an increasingly dominant diet industry, costing the consumer millions of pounds each year, Susie Orbach's best-selling classic is as important as ever in helping women to love their own body and face the demands of 21st-century living with confidence.

Overcoming Binge Eating

This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own.

Help YourShelf to...Videos

There are numerous self-help and awareness-raising videos about body image, but these were some of our favourites. We hope they will help you! Have you stumbled upon a video which helped you overcome issues related to body image? Let us know and we'll share it here!

Hidden Secrets: Eating Disorders

Recovering From An Eating Disorder

Male Anorexia Fix

Ending the pursuit of perfection

The Impact of Body Dysmorphia