Student Guide

Reading Lists

Guide for Students

The online reading lists will help you find the books, journal articles and other resources required for your module.

Our reading lists:

  • are accessible from CampusMoodle
  • provide direct access to online resources
  • show how many print copies we have and where to find them

Finding Your List

Through Your Module on Moodle

You can access a module’s reading list straight from the module page on Moodle, simply look for the Reading List link.

If the link does not go directly to a list or there is no link available, there may not be an online reading list for this module - check with your module coordinator to be sure.

By Searching

If you are on the reading lists homepage, you can search by module name or module number. If a list exists, it will appear in the results list.

Signing in

Being signed in means you will be able to bypass the individual log-in process when you access electronic resources!

If you accessed the reading list through CampusMoodle, you will already be logged in. If not, click on Guest, then LogIn, and then use your RGU username and password to login. Once logged in you can search for your module's reading list and access resources.

Main Features

Your main reading list will include some core information about each item on the list such as title, author, date, and item type. It will also indicate if the item is available online or is a print item held in the library.

You may see additional information provided by your lecturer, telling you if the item is essential, recommended, optional or suggested for purchase, and notes that give you information about the list.

Click the item's title to find out more information about it. You will see links to the item (if online) or details about library availability (if a print book). You'll have to be logged in to see the latter.

The list may have different sections. You can toggle this view and open the relevant section to see the items listed.

Accessing Online Resources

Accessing eBooks

Simply click on the view online link:

In the main record window, you will see direct links to the material, click the link and log in if prompted:

Accessing online articles

If an article is available online, follow the available online link. You will be taken to the main record page which has the direct link to the material. Click the link and log in if prompted.

Accessing web pages and online documents

Your reading list may contain links to web pages and online documents. To access these simply follow the available online link.

Accessing digitised reading

At times a book chapter or journal article may have been digitised to make it easier for you to access. You can identify these as they will have a digitised reading tag and a view online link:

Follow the link and log in with your RGU username and password. You can then read the material.

Other Features

The reading lists have the following additional features:

  • Being able to search the list
  • Adding useful items to your own collection
  • Export the list to various formats, including RIS (used to upload to RefWorks)
  • Filter by type or tag
  • Create a shareable link for the list and individual items