Database Guides
The Emerald database offers journals covering management, librarianship, property, marketing, human resource management, accountancy and engineering.
Finding Journal Articles
Start by thinking about what you want to search for and come up with some keywords and phrases to describe it.
Enter these in the box provided and click on the magnifying glass icon to search:
You can use various search techniques to add in extra terms, narrow results down and get more useful results:
- phrase searching i.e. including the terms in quotation marks to ensure they appear together rather than being split up
- boolean search
- AND – narrows down the results. All connected terms must be included in the results
- OR – broadens out the results. Either connected term can be included in the results
- NOT – narrows down the results. The second term must be excluded from the results
You can use the truncation symbol * to find variations of word endings (e.g. leaders* will find leaders and leadership).
Use the filters on the right of the page to refine your search by year of publication or content type.
As the Library subscribes to approximately half of the journals published by Emerald, it is recommended to select the option "Only content I have access to" to find the articles you can view immediately in full text:
To find out more about planning a search, creating search strategies and using different search techniques, explore our search techniques guide.
Getting the Full Text
You will notice that if we have access to an article it will appear as Available. If we don't have access to it, it will appear as Access restricted.
If Available, click on the PDF icon to download and read the article.
If the article is unavailable through our Emerald subscription, there may possibly be a free copy on the internet which has been provided under an open access arrangement. Try using Google Scholar to check. Type in one author's surname and add the title of the article in quotation marks to look for the words in the same order, for example mcelwee "strategic farmer".
If the article is freely available, you may see a PDF or HTML notation to the right of the citation.
You may also be able to get the article by requesting an Inter-Library Loan (ILLs). Remember to sign in to LibrarySearch to see this option. You can find out more about ILLs on our inter-library loans page.