Database Guides
Internurse contains full-text articles from a number of highly regarded British peer-reviewed nursing journals, including the British Journal of Nursing.
The journals cover both primary and secondary care settings as well as specialist nursing practice across a range of areas including cardiology, neuroscience, mental health, palliative care and wound care.
Finding Journal Articles
It is usually best to choose ADVANCED SEARCH below the search box on the opening screen. This will bring up a new screen with boxes you can fill in.
When searching for journal articles, break down your topic into keywords and phrases. Enter these words and phrases on different lines. You can add a new line by clicking on the plus sign to the right of the search box. Place quotation marks around phrases to ask the database to find the words within the quotation marks together as a phrase.
If you are looking for articles on the prevention of childhood obesity enter the word prevention on one line and the phrase "childhood obesity" on another.
You can choose the dates you wish to search. If your search covers any childhood or maternity issues, select both Internurse and Intermid databases (Intermid contains two midwifery journals).
To find out more about planning a search, creating search strategies and using different search techniques, explore our search techniques guide.
Once you have entered relevant keywords and phrases, click Search to view a list of results.
Top Tip!
If your search results are disappointing, try to think of different ways of expressing your topic, for example:
- For prevention try management or avoidance. You could also try searching for particular preventative measures for example exercise or nutrition.
- For "childhood obesity"trychildren and "weight gain".
- Add the wildcard symbol * to the root of a word to find all words beginning with the letters in front of it (e.g. prevent* would find prevent, prevents, preventing, prevented, prevention and preventative at the same time).
Click on the title of an article to view the summary and see what subject terms have been used to describe that article. You can then search on those terms.
Narrowing Down Your Search
Once you have done your initial search you can use the options on the right of the screen to narrow your results to a particular subject area or to particular dates.
Getting the Full Text
If you click on the title of the article you will see the abstract or summary of the article. Most full-text articles available on Intermid are in PDF or PDF PLUS format, which you can open by clicking on the corresponding link under the article in the results list.