Anxiety and Stress
Help YourShelf to...Books
Have a look at some of our books related to anxiety and how to overcome it. All of the titles are available in our RGU Library collection, so you can borrow them whenever you would like. Just click on the title of the book and you will be taken to the book page on our LibrarySearch tool.
- Learn to Relax byCall Number: 155.9042 WALISBN: 0471377767Publication Date: 2000-10-16Effective techniques and step-by-step exercises for mental and physical relaxation.
- Living with Fear byCall Number: 616.85223 MARISBN: 0077097580Publication Date: 2001-04-01Living with Fear is a self help book that gives practical advice to people who are suffering from phobias panic obsessions rituals or traumatic distress.
- Mind over Mood, Second Edition byISBN: 9781462520428Publication Date: 2015-10-15Discover simple yet powerful steps you can take to overcome emotional distress and feel happier, calmer, and more confident.
- Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers byCall Number: 616.0019ISBN: 9780805073690Publication Date: 2004-09-15This book features new chapters on how stress affects sleep and addiction, as well as new insights into anxiety and personality disorder and the impact of spirituality on managing stress.
- Worry Wart: A Comic About Anxiety byCall Number: 618.9285223 ABRPublication Date: 2014When Dani Abram was diagnosed with 'Generalised Anxiety Disorder' in 2009, she took pen to paper and began to draw her deepest fears, publishing them online as she explored her diagnosis.
- The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens byCall Number: 155.518232 SHAISBN: 9781608821877Publication Date: 2012-06-01This book helps teens come to see that painful emotions, such as embarrassment, are inevitable and survivable. The comic-strip-style illustrations, exercises, and worksheets in this book address all aspects of social anxiety, from missing out on high school dances to going to job interviews.
- Coping with Stress at University byCall Number: 378.198019 PALISBN: 9781412907330Publication Date: 2006-03-29Coping with Stress at University comprehensively covers the main problems and stresses that a student may experience during their university career.
- Self-help for your nerves : learn to relax and enjoy life again by overcoming stress and fear byCall Number: 616.8522306 WEEISBN: 9780722531556Publication Date: 2015Essential guide for everything you need to know to keep relaxed through every day life. Repackage of the phenomenally successful guide to dealing with nervous illness.
- The Relaxation and Stress Reduction byCall Number: 155.9042 DAVISBN: 9781572245495Publication Date: 2008-05-03This title contains powerful relaxation techniques based on the latest research, and draws from a variety of proven treatment methods, including progressive relaxation, autogenics, self-hypnosis, visualization, and mindfulness and acceptance therapy.
- The worry cure : stop worrying and start living byCall Number: 152.46 LEAISBN: 9780749927240Publication Date: 2006In this groundbreaking book, Dr Robert Leahy offers new insight, advice and practical techniques for everyone who has ever had a sleepless night.
- Overcoming anxiety: a self-help guide to using cognitive behavioral techniques byCall Number: 616.852206 KENISBN: 9781849018784Publication Date: 2014This book offers expert advice on managing the worries, fears and anxieties that can impair the quality of one's life. Each problem is discussed and explained, and there is a self-help guide for those who wish to tackle their difficulties alone.
- The perks of being a wallflower byCall Number: 813.6 CHBISBN: 9781847394071Publication Date: 2009The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a deeply affecting coming-of-age story that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up.
- 8 Keys to Brain-Body Balance byCall Number: 158.1 SCAISBN: 9780393707472Publication Date: 2012-10-01Understanding how our brains and bodies actually work is a powerful tool in mitigating the anxiety generated by unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms that we all may experience from time to time.
- Anxiety Relief byCall Number: 152.46 CRAISBN: 9781546636588Publication Date: 2017-05-11Anxiety Relief is a warm, compassionate, and expert book to help anxious, panicky, or stressed people, written from both sides of the therapeutic couch! If you're suffering, and you don't know how to gain relief from your anxiety, then this book is for you.
- Calm byCall Number: 158.1 COTISBN: 9781409183631Publication Date: 2019-04-30CALM is Fearne's mission to find the simple things that can inch us away from stress and over to the good stuff.
- Overcoming social anxiety and shyness: a self-help guide to using cognitive behavioural techniques byCall Number: 152.46 BUTISBN: 9781472120434Publication Date: 2016In this fully revised and updated edition, Dr Gillian Butler provides a practical, easy-to-use self-help course which will be invaluable for those suffering from all degrees of social anxiety.
- Stress control byCall Number: 155.9042 WHIISBN: 9781472137104Publication Date: 2017This accessible, jargon-free book combines clinically proven methods from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), positive psychology and mindfulness to give you the tools you need to improve your mind, your body and your life.
- Notes on a nervous planet byCall Number: 158 HAIISBN: 9781786892676Publication Date: 2018Notes on a Nervous Planet is a personal and vital look at how to feel happy, human and whole in the twenty-first century.
- Fangirl : a novel byCall Number: 813.6 ROWISBN: 9781447263227Publication Date: 2014Cath and Wren are identical twins, and until recently they did absolutely everything together. Now they're off to university and Wren's decided she doesn't want to be one half of a pair any more - she wants to dance, meet boys, go to parties and let loose. It's not so easy for Cath.
Help YourShelf to...Videos
There are numerous self-help and awareness-raising videos about anxiety, but these were some of our favourites. We hope they will help you! Have you stumbled upon a video which helped you overcome anxiety? Let us know and we'll share it here!
NHS Choices - Anxiety
Overcoming Anxiety
Mindful Exercise For Overcoming Anxiety
6 Things Anxiety Causes You To Do
How to Cope With Anxiety
Dear Anxiety - Spoken Word
Help YourShelf to...Podcasts
When it comes to anxiety, remember that you are not on your own. There are many people out there going through difficulties, some of whom are bravely speaking about anxiety and how to overcome it.
Podcasts are the best way of listening to useful advice on the go, so next time you're having that walk to clear your head, listen to some of these, they may help.
The Anxiety Coaches
With two new episodes every week, this is an informal and informative show which brings you lifestyle changes to calm your nervous system and help you heal Anxiety, Panic and PTSD.
The Anxiety Guy
Listen to Dennis Simsek, founder and host of The Anxiety Guy. Throughout the show, he shares his knowledge and experience on the causes of anxiety, as well as the best options for people going through these life challenges.
Not Another Anxiety Show
Join your host Kelli Walker – registered nurse, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and former agoraphobe – on an anxiety adventure. Learn what anxiety really is, why the best of us can get caught in its web, and how to move past its sticky grip. You'll get practical tips, resources, and guidance while gaining a down-to-earth and deeper understanding of what it means to be human.
The Anxiety Podcast
This is a show to support everyone suffering with Anxiety, stress and panic attacks, Tim suffered with Anxiety and panic attacks and has changed his life to recover and now supports others in doing the same. This unique show isn't just about coping, it's about moving past Anxiety and fear to live the life you were destined for.