

Help YourShelf to...Books

Have a look at some of our books related to bullying. All of the titles are available in our RGU Library collection, so you can borrow them whenever you would like. Just click on the title of the book and you will be taken to the book page on our LibrarySearch tool.

Students, Teachers, and Leaders Addressing Bullying in Schools

This book captures the tragedy victims face and the urgency of creating a new dialogue amongst our educators.

Survive bullying at work how to stand up for yourself and take control

Covering everything from understanding why bullies behave as they do, to standing up for yourself and knowing your rights at work, this book can help you make the best of a challenging situation.


Drawing on research evidence and media coverage, this book explores a number of key debates surrounding cyberbullying.

Help YourShelf to...Videos

There are numerous self-help and awareness-raising videos about bullying, but these were some of our favourites. We hope they will help you! Have you stumbled upon a video which helped you? Let us know and we'll share it here!

Shane Koyczan on Bullying

Bullying in University

What's It Like to Be Bullied

I'm Truly Sorry


Help YourShelf to...Podcasts

BBC - The Why Factor

Are bullies born or do they learn their bullying behaviour? Mike Williams investigates.

How To Handle Bullying

Psychologies with the UKCP and 'Talking Therapies' podcast: Why am I being bullied?