Database Guides


Mintel is one of the world's largest market research companies. Our subscription to Mintel Academic provides access to the following materials:

  • Reports covering a range of consumer markets including household goods, clothing, footwear, beauty products, leisure, health, travel, tourism and technology
  • Analysts Insights providing analysis on the latest developments within markets
  • News items


Type in the name of a market, product or company in the search box to view a list of reports, insights and news items which mention your topic.

Use the options to the right of the search box to filter by Category, Region, Trend Drivers or Demographics. You can also filter by content type to view Reports, Expert Insights, News or Upcoming Reports. Click on the name of the item you require to access the full-text.


From the homepage, you can expand the headings of Category, Region, Trend Drivers or Demographics to browse more generally. Select your chosen option(s) from the list provided to view relevant items.

Viewing a Report

Click on the name of a report to access the introductory screen for that report. Choose Table of contents to view a list of sections within the report. Select the one you require.

At the top of each section you will find a dropdown menu allowing you to move to another section of the same report.

Using Data

You will find tables of data within many of the sections of the report.

Beneath these tables you will find an option to Download the data into a spreadsheet or to Create a new graph.

Alternatively, if you wish to bring all the tables from a report together in one screen, return to the introductory page for the report (by clicking on the name of the report) and choose View Tables at the top of the contents list.

The introductory screen for the report also gives you the option to download the Databook for the whole report to an Excel spreadsheet. You can then manipulate the data as required.

Saving, Printing & Exporting

Choose the relevant icon to save content to a Word file, print it or export it to a basket.

   Top Tip!

It is not possible to save or print an entire report in one go. Instead, export each individual section of a report you require to a basket. You can then click on Export Basket (at the top right of the screen) to view the items in your basket and choose to download them as one file in rich text format (rtf), or as a zip file.