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British Pharmacopoeia


British Pharmacopoeia

British Pharmacopoeia As A Whole



Author name. Title. City of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia 2016. London: TSO; 2016.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia 2016. London: TSO; 2016.

A Volume

A Volume Within the British Pharmacopoeia


Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia 2016: volume III.London: TSO; 2016.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia 2016: volume III.London: TSO; 2016.

Direct quotation

If you have quoted directly from a particular volume of the printed work ONCE ONLY in your text you should include a page or section number at the end of the endnote.

(1) British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia 2016: volume III.London: TSO; 2016. p. 16.

If you have quoted directly from the item MORE THAN ONCE the page reference is given on each occasion with the citation in the text.

(p. 16)

The page reference is NOT included in the bibliography. 

Online Version

Online Version


If you have used the online version and do not have access to page numbers or a suitable volume and/or appendix or section number, or wish to highlight a particular area of the work, the following style may be used instead:

British Pharmacopoeia Commission. Acacia. In: British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia 2016. [BP online]. London: TSO; 2016 [updated 2016 Jan; cited 2016 Jan 18]. Available from:

(If a full updated date is not available a year or year and month may be used.)