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Case Law



Case Type


European Community (pre-November 1989)


Case number. Case name. Year. Report series abbreviation. Number of the first page of the case.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) Case 43/75. Defrenne v SABENA 1976. E.C.R. 455.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

Case 43/75. Defrenne v SABENA 1976. E.C.R. 455.

Direct quotation

If you have quoted directly from the item ONCE ONLY in your text you should include a page reference at the end of the endnote.

(1) Case 43/75. Defrenne v SABENA 1976. E.C.R. 455 at 456.

If you have quoted directly from the item MORE THAN ONCE the page reference is given on each occasion with the citation in the text.

(1 at 456)

The page reference of the quotation is not included in the bibliography.

European Community (post-October 1989)


Case number including court abbreviation letter. Case name. Year. Report series abbreviation. Number of the first page of the case.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) Case C-97/98. Peter Jagerskiold v Torolf Gustafsson 1999. E.C.R. I-7319.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

Case C-97/98. Peter Jagerskiold v Torolf Gustafsson 1999. E.C.R. I-7319.

Direct quotation

If you have quoted directly from the item ONCE ONLY in your text you should include a page reference at the end of the endnote.

(1) Case C-97/98. Peter Jagerskiold v Torolf Gustafsson 1999. E.C.R. I-7319 at I-7329.

If you have quoted directly from the item MORE THAN ONCE the page reference is given on each occasion with the citation in the text.

(1 at I-7329)

The page reference of the quotation is not included in the bibliography.

UK Case - Reported in Law Reports


Case name. Year of publication. Abbreviation for the series of case reports. Number of the first page of the case.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, 1893. 1 Q.B. 256.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, 1893. 1 Q.B. 256.

Direct quotation

If you have quoted directly from the item ONCE ONLY in your text you should include a page reference at the end of the endnote.

(1) Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, 1893. 1 Q.B. 256 at 259.

If you have quoted directly from the item MORE THAN ONCE the page reference is given on each occasion with the citation in the text.

(1 at 259)

The page reference of the quotation is not included in the bibliography.

UK Case - Neutral Citation


Case name. Year of publication. Code for the court. Case number.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) Pinto v Brixton Prison Governor, 2004. E.W.H.C. 2986.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

Pinto v Brixton Prison Governor, 2004. E.W.H.C. 2986.

UK Case - Report in Newspaper


Case name. Title of newspaper. Date of publication.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) Webley v Department for Work and Pensions. The Independent. 2005 January 13.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

Webley v Department for Work and Pensions. The Independent. 2005 January 13.

UK Case - Unreported


Case name. Court. [unreported]. Date of judgement.

Endnote (arranged numerically by the citation number in the text)

(1) Hawley v Luminar Pleasure Plc. Court of Appeal Queen's Bench Division. [unreported]. 10 January 2005.

Bibliography (arranged alphabetically by author)

Hawley v Luminar Pleasure Plc. Court of Appeal Queen's Bench Division. [unreported]. 10 January 2005.