Open Access
Help With Open Access Book Publishing
Learn more about the options available for publishing open access books, chapters and edited collections.
Summary of Key Points
- Open access book publishing is mostly optional, but it is now required by some funders like UKRI and the Wellcome Trust.
- Books and chapters might be open access through either Gold Open Access or Green Open Access.
- There are generally costs involved in Gold Open Access. Financial support is available for UKRI-funded authors, but conditions apply and it may not cover all of the costs involved.
- The best thing to do when considering open access book publishing is to contact the Publications Team so we can discuss your requirements and options.
What are open access books and chapters?
Making a book or chapter open access means making the full text freely available to read online, usually under an open licence (you can learn more about open licences in a separate guide). Entire books - both authored monographs and edited collections - can be open access. It is also possible for individual chapters to be open access while the rest of the book remains pay-to-read.
It is an increasingly frequent practice, and - while still optional for most researchers - it is now mandatory for researchers who acknowledge certain funding, for example researchers who are funded by UKRI or the Wellcome Trust. (The UKRI requirements are detailed later in this guide.)
There are two main ways to make books and chapters open access: "Gold Open Access" and "Green Open Access".
Gold Open Access
The version on the publisher's own website or platform is open access. Other terms like "Diamond" or "Bronze" mean the same sort of thing (i.e. open access provided by the publisher), reflecting different business models that support this.
Currently, the most common business model involves the author paying the publisher a fee to publish open access. This is referred to as a "Book Processing Charge (BPC)" - or a "Chapter Processing Charge (CPC)" for individual chapters. These charges can be very expensive.
Green Open Access
The version on the publisher's own website or platform is pay-to-read, but a version is made open access on a repository instead. This often uses the author's accepted manuscript version (AAM) rather than the final version of record (VOR), and may also involve an embargo - i.e. delayed public access to the repository version. However, there is no cost to the author.
RGU's institutional repository is called OpenAIR@RGU (or just "OpenAIR"). It contains a large variety of research outputs, including books and chapters.
Many publishers sell print copies of open access books and chapters (which means that authors can still earn royalties!). Prices for these are usually lower than the prices for pay-to-read books, because the publisher will charge only as much as they need to cover the costs of production and distribution.
If you'd like to learn more about the basics of Open Access and its benefits, please refer to our separate guide.
How to make books and chapters open access?
If you are interested in publishing Gold Open Access:
1. Check whether your publisher offers Gold Open Access
Many book publishers are either fully Gold Open Access or give authors the option to publish Gold Open Access. If you are publishing a single chapter in someone else's edited book, then note that some publishers may offer open access only for whole books, not for individual chapters.
If you have a particular publisher in mind, then their website should indicate whether they offer Gold Open Access (often referred to by publishers as just "Open Access"). You are also welcome to contact the Publications Team and we can investigate this for you.
If you don't yet have a specific publisher in mind, then you could instead browse the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) by publisher, to see which publishers have already produced open access books. You are also welcome to contact the Publications Team for suggestions.
2. Check the costs
Most publishers will expect authors to pay for Gold Open Access. Their websites should include an indication of whether or not payment is required. If it is, then they will usually also list rough estimates of costs, which can be a useful starting point when considering whether or not to publish Gold Open Access with them. They won't normally give you a more accurate quote until you have submitted your book proposal.
Book processing charges (BPCs) can range from around £4,000 to £15,000. Chapter processing charges (CPCs) can range from about £1,000 to £2,000. You will also generally find that it is cheaper to publish with fully Gold Open Access publishers than it is to publish with companies that offer a mix of open access and pay-to-read products.
3. See if financial support is available
If there is no cost involved, then skip to the next step! Otherwise, you will need to find a way to pay any anticipated costs. For example, you may be able to get financial support from your School or Department, though often the BPCs and CPCs will be too high for this. You might also be able to get financial support from your funder - perhaps costs for Open Access were even included as part of your grant. There is specific support available for authors whose work acknowledges funding from UKRI, any of the UKRI research councils or Innovate UK - see later in this guide for more details about that.
If you cannot find a way to pay the estimated costs, then you will either need to find an alternative publisher or you will need to rely on Green Open Access instead.
4. Submit your proposal
How to submit a proposal may vary between different publishers. Their websites should feature guidance on what sorts of information to include and how to send it to them. Feel free to contact the Publications Team if you would like help finding this guidance.
If you are planning to use some of the financial support available from UKRI (see details later in this guide), then - once your proposal is accepted - you will need to contact the Publications Team so that we can help you confirm that this funding is available.
5. Work on your manuscript
Work with your publisher/editor to produce your manuscript. When obtaining copyright permissions for any third-party materials in your book or chapter (e.g. images, infographics or quotations that you do not own), then you will need to be clear that you want to include these in an open access publication. UKRI have produced detailed guidance on how to manage third-party copyright in open access books and chapters, which we recommend reading - even if your work is not in scope of UKRI's policy.
6. Get published!
If there is a BPC or CPC involved, this step will also include paying the publisher's invoice. If the invoice is going to be partially or fully paid using financial support from UKRI (see details later in this guide), make sure that you contact the Publications Team when you receive the invoice so that we can sort this out for you.
You should also do all the usual activities that you'd do to promote your work. For example, you should make sure that it is recorded on Worktribe and OpenAIR. You can also share copies of your work with colleagues and post links to it on social media. You might also want to contact RGU Communications for help in making people aware of your new publication.
If you instead want to make your work available through Green Open Access:
1. Check whether your publisher permits Green Open Access
A growing number of book publishers support Green Open Access, which they often refer to as "self-archiving". The Publications Team can investigate this for you, particularly if your funder requires specific things for Green Open Access to comply with their policy (like UKRI).
2. Submit your proposal
How to submit a proposal may vary between different publishers. Their websites should feature guidance on what sorts of information to include and how to send it to them. Feel free to contact the Publications Team if you would like help finding this guidance.
3. Work on your manuscript
Work with your publisher/editor to produce your manuscript. When obtaining copyright permissions for any third-party materials in your book or chapter (e.g. images, infographics or quotations that you do not own), then you will need to be clear that you want to include these in both the pay-to-read version and open access repository version of your work. UKRI have produced detailed guidance on how to manage third-party copyright in open access books and chapters, which we recommend reading even if your work is not in scope of UKRI's policy.
If you can secure permission for the pay-to-read published version but not for the open access repository version, then contact the Publications Team for advice on potential implications for funder requirements and the file that we use on OpenAIR.
4. Get published!
Make sure that your work is recorded on Worktribe and get in touch with the Publications Team so that we can help you make it Green Open Access on OpenAIR.
You should also do all the usual activities that you'd do to promote your work. For example, you could post links to your work on social media. You might also want to contact RGU Communications for help in making people aware of your new publication.
What if I can't make my work open access?
If your work is not affected by any funder requirements for Open Access, then there is no problem if you decide to publish pay-to-read and your publisher doesn't support Green Open Access.
However, if your work is affected by funder requirements for Open Access, and you cannot publish Gold Open Access (because it is too expensive or not offered by your publisher) and your publisher also doesn't have compliant permissions for Green Open Access, then contact the Publications Team. We can try to help you negotiate for an exception with your publisher or funder, or potentially help you locate an alternative publisher.
UKRI requirements for books and chapters
It is increasingly common for funding bodies to require open access for books or chapters arising from projects. UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is one of the most important such funders for RGU authors, so in this section we provide a summary of their requirements. If you would like to know more about the policy of a different funder (e.g. the Wellcome Trust, who also require open access for books), please refer to our separate guide on funder and REF requirements for Open Access or contact the Publications Team.
UKRI's policy for Open Access covers research articles and "longform publications" - i.e. books and chapters - where these acknowledge funding from UKRI, any of the UKRI research councils, or Innovate UK. You can find the full details of the policy in a separate guide, but summarised below are the parts that relate specifically to books and chapters.
Outputs Affected
- Monographs (i.e. authored books aimed at specialist audiences).
- Book chapters (i.e. individual authored chapters in an edited collection, where the chapter acknowledges funding as above, but the overall collection does not). NOTE: This also covers conference papers that are published in proceedings book series, for example conference papers published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
- Edited collections (i.e. edited collections of various authored chapters, where the overall collection acknowledges funding as above).
Gold Open Access Requirements
To comply with UKRI's policy through the Gold route:
- The published version of record must be made open access on the publisher's website within 12 months of first online publication.
- It must be distributed under any Creative Commons licence, or under an Open Government Licence (OGL) if it is covered by Crown Copyright. You can learn more about open licences in a separate guide.
Green Open Access Requirements
To comply with UKRI's policy through the Green route:
- The published version of record OR the accepted manuscript must be made open access on a repository (like OpenAIR) within 12 months of first online publication.
- It must be distributed under any Creative Commons licence, or under an Open Government Licence (OGL) if it is covered by Crown Copyright. You can learn more about open licences in a separate guide.
UKRI provide some financial support to help authors comply with their policy. See later in this guide for further details about this.
What support is available?
In terms of general support and advice, you are welcome to get in touch with the Publications Team at any stage of your project, if you have any questions or would like to discuss your book or chapter publishing options.
In terms of financial support, there are a couple of ways in which RGU supports Open Access for books and chapters:
Membership of Scottish Universities Press
RGU Library is one of many university libraries across Scotland who financially support Scottish Universities Press (SUP). SUP are a new non-profit, fully Gold Open Access publisher, who aim to provide a fairer and more sustainable book publishing infrastructure for researchers based in Scotland. They still require authors to pay BPCs, but these are significantly lower than the fees charged by many other publishers.
As well as being an opportunity to publish open access, SUP are actively looking to expand their network of peer reviewers. You can find out more about their peer review process on their website and can apply to join their network via their online form.
Support for UKRI-funded authors
RGU Library are acting as the University's main point of contact with UKRI for applications to use their national fund for open access book publishing. See below for further details on how to apply.
Financial support from UKRI
From 2024 onwards, UKRI plan to allocate £3.5 million each year to support open access books and chapters that are in scope of their Open Access policy for longform publications. This is a national fund and institutions must apply to use it on behalf of their authors - at RGU, this will be done by the Library's Publications Team.
Select the button below to see the list of eligibility criteria for using the UKRI books fund.
Eligibility Criteria
- The output must fall within scope of the UKRI Open Access policy for longform publications, in terms of the funding acknowledged and the definition of the various output types affected.
- The acknowledged UKRI funding must be from either an active project or one that ended no more than 7 years prior to publication. (If multiple projects are involved, then this applies to the one with the latest end date).
- There must be a "substantial link" between the acknowledged UKRI funding and the content of your publication. This means that what you have written about must be closely connected to the research project that you acknowledge.
- The output must be immediately open access from the point of publication. (Although compliance with the policy requires open access within 12 months of publication, financial support will be provided only for immediate open access.)
- The output must be made open access under any Creative Commons licence, or under an Open Government Licence (OGL) if it is covered by Crown Copyright.
- The funding requested must be no more than the maximum that UKRI will allow per output. This is: £10,000 for BPCs; £1,000 for CPCs; and £6,000 (or £9,000 if the publisher in question has published multiple such books from RGU in that year) for other business models in which there is no direct author payment but instead some other cost to the institution (e.g. membership). All maximum costs are inclusive of VAT, but it may be possible for the money from UKRI to provide only a partial contribution towards the total cost of publishing, as long as funds can be found elsewhere for the remainder.
UKRI have also said that up to £2,000 of the above support for monographs and edited collections, and up to the full £1,000 of the available support for individual chapters can be used specifically for the costs of clearing copyright for third-party materials to facilitate open access publication.
However, these costs can also be included as part of your grant application. Given the generally high costs of open access book publishing, it is preferable for us to use the UKRI books fund for direct Open Access charges as much as possible, rather than for charges that could be accounted for via other means. RGU therefore encourages researchers to budget for copyright clearance fees within your grant.
As a reminder, it is also worth reading UKRI's guidance on copyright for third-party materials, as this may help you to understand how much of a budget you will need.
There are several stages involved in applying to use UKRI's financial support. These are detailed below.
Pre-Stage 1
Consider what outputs your research project will produce
This is something you should do from the very beginning of a project, when you are applying for research funding. It is possible for you to decide to produce a book or chapter later in the project, but the sooner you know that you are likely to write a book or chapter, the more time you have to start considering publishing options and to budget for clearing copyright for any third-party materials.
Discuss your plans to produce a book or chapter with the Publications Team
As soon as you know that you are planning to write a book or chapter acknowledging UKRI funding, get in touch with the Publications Team to discuss your preferred publishers and options for complying with the UKRI Open Access policy.
Decide where to publish and submit a proposal
You may need to produce a ranked shortlist of potential publishers, in case your preferred publisher rejects your proposal. Let the Publications Team know once you have submitted a proposal and keep us updated on its status.
Stage 1
Proposal accepted! Contact the Publications Team
Once your proposal has been accepted, you will need to work with your prospective publisher to produce the information that must be sent to the Publications Team in order for us to apply for Open Access funding from UKRI. You'll need to confirm:
- The type of publication (monograph, book chapter or edited collection)
- Title of your publication (can still just be a draft at this stage)
- UKRI funding award reference number and project end date
- That RGU is the grant-holding institution, or otherwise the name of the grant-holding institution
- One or two sentences to explain why there is a substantial link between the funding award and the content of your publication
Names and ORCIDs:
- For monographs: author names and ORCIDs
- For chapters: author names and ORCIDs; also the name(s) of the editor(s) and title of the collection in which the chapter will be published
- For edited collections: editor names and ORCIDs
- Publisher
- Quoted costs in £ / GBP (and indicate whether these exclude or include VAT)
- Estimated publication date (you can just provide the month and year if you don't have a more precise date from the publisher)
- The licence under which your publication will be distributed (i.e. a specific Creative Commons licence or the Open Government Licence - see our online guide for more information about open licences)
Publications Team apply to UKRI to confirm able to provide funding
At this point, the Publications Team will use the information you've provided to make an initial application to UKRI. Once we've submitted the application, UKRI aim to reply within 10 working days. They will then confirm whether they are provisionally happy to provide funding for this publication.
If they say no, the Publications Team will discuss your options with you. We can reapply for the same publication if it is initially rejected, as long as we can address the concerns raised by UKRI.
Pre-Stage 2
Confirm your contract and produce your work
Once UKRI have confirmed provisional acceptance to provide financial support, you can sign the contract with the publisher and proceed to work with them for the production of your book or chapter. Remember that you'll need to clear copyright for any third-party materials that you want to include - again, see UKRI's guidance on this.
Send the invoice(s) to the Publications Team
The publisher should invoice you once you are near to publication. Make sure that you send this invoice to the Publications Team so that we can arrange for it to be paid. If you are also reclaiming costs of third-party copyright clearance from the UKRI books fund, rather than from your budget for this in your grant, please also send us these invoices as well.
If you are publishing through a business model that doesn't involve direct costs, any invoices involved will probably come straight to the Publications Team and you therefore don't need to worry about sending us anything at this point.
Stage 2
Get published! Contact the Publications Team
As soon as your work has been published online via the publisher's website or platform, get in touch with the Publications Team to provide the link. We will then arrange to reclaim the costs of your invoice(s) from the UKRI books fund, using the link and your chosen licence as evidence for your work having been published open access.
Share your work
You should also do all the usual activities that you'd do to promote your work. For example, you should make sure that it is recorded on Worktribe and OpenAIR. You can also share copies of your work with colleagues and post links to it on social media. You might also want to contact RGU Communications for help in making people aware of your new publication.
You can find further information about the fund on UKRI's website. You are also welcome to contact the Publications Team with any questions.
Example book publishers
For convenience, we have pulled together some summary information about a select number of book publishers. Publisher policies and offerings may vary over time; although we will try to keep this information updated, it is worth checking a publisher's website directly or asking the Publications Team to confirm details before making any decisions.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. If you have other publishers in mind, then it is always worth checking their websites (or asking the Publications Team to investigate for you). Additionally, for Gold Open Access publishing, you can browse the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) by publisher, to see which publishers have already produced open access books.
Publishers are listed in alphabetical order. Estimated prices are rounded up to the nearest hundred and, where relevant, based on the exchange rate at the time when checked. This list was last updated on the 24th November 2023.
Bloomsbury Academic
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read and Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs and edited collections only. Not offered for individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- £6,500 to £12,000
Green OA Permissions
- Monographs: One chapter only.
- Edited collections: All chapters directly authored by the editor.
- Individual chapters: Yes.
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Green Open Access only.
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read and Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs and edited collections, average £8,700
- For individual chapters, average £1000
Green OA Permissions
- Monographs: No.
- Edited collections: All chapters directly authored by the editor.
- Individual chapters: Yes.
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold or Green Open Access. Up to £1,000 of total cost for Gold can be reclaimed.
De Gruyter
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read and Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs and edited collections only. Not offered for individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- From £6,100
Green OA Permissions
- Monographs: No.
- Edited collections: All chapters directly authored by the editor.
- Individual chapters: Yes.
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Cannot comply by default, as Green Open Access permissions are too restrictive.
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read and Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs, £13,600
- For edited collections and individual chapters, £1,400 per chapter
Green OA Permissions
- Monographs: No.
- Edited collections: Maybe, for editor's own authored chapters only - must request permission from Elsevier's Global Rights Department.
- Individual chapters: Maybe - must request permission from Elsevier's Global Rights Department.
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold Open Access; permission for compliant Green Open Access might be granted on a case-by-case basis. Up to £1,000 of total cost for Gold can be reclaimed.
Publishing Model
- Fully Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs, £4,000 to £10,000
- For edited collections and individual chapters, £850 to £1,400 per chapter
Green OA Permissions
- N/A (Fully Open Access publisher)
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £1,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
Publishing Model
- Fully Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs, from £7,200
- For edited collections and individual chapters, £1,100 per chapter
Green OA Permissions
- N/A (Fully Open Access publisher)
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £1,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
Open Book Publishers
Publishing Model
- Fully Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- Free to publish. They claim it costs £5,000 to produce a book on average and authors can optionally contribute towards this if they are able.
Green OA Permissions
- N/A (Fully Open Access publisher)
UKRI Compliance
- All publication types: Can comply through Gold Open Access. The publisher is financially supported by libraries; if RGU Library becomes a member, we can reclaim membership costs up to £6,000 (or £9,000, if multiple RGU-affiliated, UKRI-funded outputs published in a given year) if RGU authors publish UKRI-funded publications.
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read only
Gold OA Publication Types
- Not offered.
Gold OA Costs
- N/A
Green OA Permissions
- Not permitted under most circumstances.
UKRI Compliance
- All publication types: Cannot comply by default.
Springer Nature
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read and Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs and edited collections, £6,400 to £11,600
- For individual chapters, £2,000
Green OA Permissions
- Monographs: Up to 10% of the book.
- Edited collections: One chapter per RGU editor, where that editor is also an author of the chapter.
- Individual chapters: One chapter per RGU author.
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold Open Access only; Green Open Access permissions are too restrictive. Up to £1,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
Scottish Universities Press (SUP)
Publishing Model
- Fully Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs and edited collections, £3,500 to £5,500
- For individual chapters, there is no specific fee; you may instead need to negotiate with the editor as to how they will pay for the fee for the whole collection
Green OA Permissions
- N/A (Fully Open Access publisher)
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold Open Access. Up to £1,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
Taylor and Francis
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read and Open Access
Gold OA Publication Types
- Monographs, edited collections and individual chapters.
Gold OA Costs
- For monographs and edited collections, £5,000 to over £10,000
- For individual chapters, from £1,300
Green OA Permissions
- Monographs: One chapter per RGU author.
- Edited collections: One chapter per RGU editor, where that editor is also an author of the chapter.
- Individual chapters: One chapter per RGU author.
UKRI Compliance
- Monographs: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Edited collections: Can comply through Gold Open Access only. Up to £10,000 of total cost can be reclaimed.
- Individual chapters: Can comply through Gold Open Access; Green Open Access is compliant for STEM authors only, as permissions for other disciplines are too restrictive. Up to £1,000 of total cost for Gold can be reclaimed.
Publishing Model
- Pay-to-read only
Gold OA Publication Types
- Not offered.
Gold OA Costs
- N/A
Green OA Permissions
- Not permitted; no policy.
UKRI Compliance
- All publication types: Cannot comply by default.