Cite Them Right Harvard Templates

Journal Articles

If you are using a screen reader to view this page, please be aware that the templates and examples contain important punctuation and formatting, such as commas, full stops, uppercase text and italics, that are a vital part of referencing. You may need to change the punctuation settings and other settings on your screen reader software in order to correctly hear this information. It may work best to turn on an indication for capital letters and to navigate the templates one character at a time to ensure that all punctuation and capital letters are announced correctly. If you have any problems with this, please contact the library.

By Number of Authors


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, inluding text formatting and punctuation.

Author surname Initial(s). Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal [Internet]. Year of publication [cited Year Month Day]; Volume(issue): page or article numbers. Available from: DOI or URL



Each item is assigned a number according to its first location within the assignment. The same number should be used again if referring to the same source later within the assignment.


According to Chen (1)...


The page number where the direct quote was taken from should be provided after the citation number.

Chen (1, p. 3918) states that "..."

Reference List (arranged numercially by the citation order in the text)

1. Chen Y. Addressing uncertainties through improved reserve product design. IEEE Trans Power Syst [internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Feb 21]; 38(4): 3911-3923. Available from:


Print vs E journal articles

If you have read an article from a print journal (i.e. read it in paper format) then you would construct the reference without [Internet], [Cited date] and DOI or URL. The rest of the reference would remain as shown. Full details will be given in the full template set.


If you have used an item for information but not directly referred to it in your assignment then it should be included in a separate Bibliography after the Reference List. The format of the Bibliography entry is exactly the same as the Reference List with the omission of the citation number. The Bibliography is arranged alphabetically by author surname.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, inluding text formatting and punctuation.

First author surname Initial(s), Second author surname Initial(s), Third author surname Initial(s), Fourth author surname Initial(s), Fifth author surname Initial(s), Sixth author surname Initial(s). Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal [Internet]. Year of publication [cited Year Month Day]; Volume(issue):page or article numbers. Available from: DOI or URL



Each item is assigned a number according to its first location within the assignment. The same number should be used again if referring to the same source later within the assignment.

Paraphrasing / Summarising

According to Vindin, Mithieux and Weiss (2)...


The page number where the direct quote was taken from should be provided after the citation number.

Vindin, Mithieux and Weiss state that "..." (2, p. 12)

Reference List

2. Vindin H, Mithieux SM, Weiss AS. Elastin architecture. Matrix Biol [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2023 Nov 25]; 84: 4-16. Available from:


Number of authors

The example we have given shows an article with three authors. If the article has up to 6 authors then all should be listed in the same format. Place a comma between each separate author and a full stop after the last one. If the book has more than 6 authors then please see the appropriate template.

Print vs E journal articles

If you have read an article from a print journal (i.e. read it in paper format) then you would construct the reference without [Internet], [Cited date] and DOI or URL. The rest of the reference would remain as shown. Full details will be given in the full template set.


If you have used an item for information but not directly referred to it in your assignment then it should be included in a separate Bibliography after the Reference List. The format of the Bibliography entry is exactly the same as the Reference List with the omission of the citation number. The Bibliography is arranged alphabetically by author surname.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, inluding text formatting and punctuation.

First author surname Initial(s), Second author surname Initial(s), Third author surname Initial(s), Fourth author surname Initial(s), Fifth author surname Initial(s), Sixth author surname Initial(s) et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal [Internet]. Year of publication [cited Year Month Day]; Volume(issue):page or article numbers. Available from: DOI or URL



Each item is assigned a number according to its first location within the assignment. The same number should be used again if referring to the same source later within the assignment.

Paraphrasing / Summarising

In an article on climate change (3) the authors discussed ...


The page number where the direct quote was taken from should be provided after the citation number.

A study showed that "..." (3 p. 8)

Reference List

3. Bernard P, Chevance G, Kingsbury C, Gadais T, Dancause K, Villarino R, et al. Climate change: the next game changer for sport and exercise psychology. Ger J Exerc Sport Res [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2024 Feb 22]; 54(1): 6–11. Available from:


Print vs E journal articles

If you have read an article from a print journal (i.e. read it in paper format) then you would construct the reference without [Internet], [Cited date] and DOI or URL. The rest of the reference would remain as shown. Full details will be given in the full template set.


If you have used an item for information but not directly referred to it in your assignment then it should be included in a separate Bibliography after the Reference List. The format of the Bibliography entry is exactly the same as the Reference List with the omission of the citation number. The Bibliography is arranged alphabetically by author surname.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, inluding text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

First author surname, First initial(s). et al. (Year of publication) 'Article title', Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page range or article number. Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date).


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Changuiti et al., 2023)

Changuiti et al. (2023) suggests that ...


"..." (Changuiti et al., 2023)

According to Changuit et al. (2023) "..."

Reference List

Changuiti, O. et al. (2023) 'Simulation and midwifery education 2011-2021: a systematic review', British Journal of Midwifery, 31(5), pp. 286-293. Available at:,shib&db=ccm&AN=163525494&scope=site (Accessed: 19 December 2023).


Print vs E journal articles

If you have read an article from a print journal (i.e. read it in paper format) then the reference would be exactly the same as shown up to, and including, the page numbers. You would not include Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date).


Most academic journal articles will have a DOI. This is a Digital Object Identifier and is a unique identifier for that article. You can tell that it is a DOI as it will have within the URL. If using a DOI, you do not need to include an accessed date. If the article you are reading online does not have a DOI, use the URL instead. You must include an accessed date if using the URL.

By Author Type


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.

ORGANISATION NAME, Publication year. Article Title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), Page reference of the article.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group 2002)

The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group (2002) say that...


"..." (Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group 2002 p. 681)

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group (2002 p. 681) mention that "..."

Reference List

DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM RESEARCH GROUP, 2002. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension, 40(5), pp. 679-686.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.

JOURNAL TITLE, Publication year. Article Title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), Page reference of the article.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(British Medical Journal 2002)

As suggested by the British Medical Journal (2002), ...


"..." (British Medical Journal 2002 p. 184)

According to the British Medical Journal (2002 p. 184), "..."

Reference List

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2002. 21st-century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. British Medical Journal, 325(7357), p. 184.