Reference entries require the authors’ names to be given as surnames, followed by any first or middle name initials. By contrast, citations only need surnames
- For 2 or 3 authors, write their names in the order in which they appear on the source material.
- For 4 or more authors, you don't have to list them all. Just mention the primary author followed by et al. (it means and others)
- For editors, include the abbreviation ed. or eds after their names in the reference list. You do not need to include this within the citations.
1 |
Stewart, C.M. |
Stewart, C.M. (ed) |
2 |
Stewart, C.M. and Abiola, F. |
Stewart, C.M. and Abiola, F. (eds) |
3 |
Stewart, C.M., Abiola, F. and Zhang, C.D. |
Stewart, C.M., Abiola, F. and Zhang, C.D. (eds) |
4 or more |
Stewart, C.M. et al. |
Stewart, C.M. et al. (eds) |