RGU Harvard Templates
Dissertations, Theses
By Format
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First Initial(s)., Year of approval of the degree by the awarding institution. Title of thesis or dissertation. Type, Name of the degree awarding institution.
Paraphrasing / Summarising
(Brown 2003)
Brown (2003) identifies that...
"..." (Brown 2003 p. 215)
According to Brown (2003 p. 215), "..."
Reference List
BROWN, C.M., 2003. The provision of information to prisoners in Scotland: an investigation into the requirement and current methods of delivery with recommendations for a framework of effective information provision. Unpublished MSc dissertation/thesis, The Robert Gordon University.
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First Initial(s)., Year of approval of the degree by the awarding institution. Title of thesis or dissertation. [online]. Type, Name of the degree awarding institution. Available from: URL [Accessed date].
Paraphrasing / Summarising
(Sutton 2007)
Sutton (2007) identifies that...
"..." (Sutton 2007 p. 120)
According to Sutton (2007 p. 120), "..."
Reference List
SUTTON, I., 2007. An assessment of hand drilling potential in upland and lowland Dambo environments of Malawi. [online]. MSc dissertation/thesis, Cranfield University. Available from: http://protosh2o.act.be/VIRTUELE_BIB/ [Accessed 15 May 2014].