RGU Harvard Templates
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.
This template only applies where each entry has an identified author. Otherwise, just reference the encyclopaedia itself as a book and insert a page reference in the citation.
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First Initial(s)., Publication year. Entry title. In: EDITOR(s) NAME(s) First initial(s). SURNAME, ed./eds. Encyclopediae title. Edition (if not first). City of publication: Publisher. Page reference for the individual entry.
Paraphrasing / Summarising
(Osborn 1976)
Osborn (1976) suggests that...
"..." (Osborn 1976 p. 24)
According to Osborn (1976 p. 24), "..."
Reference List
OSBORN, F.J., 1976. Industrial housing estates. In: A. WHITTICK, ed. Encyclopedia of urban planning. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. pp. 29-31.
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.
EDITOR'S SURNAME, First initial(s)., ed.,/eds., Publication year. Encyclopaedia Title. Edition (if not first). City of publication: Publisher.
Paraphrasing / Summarising
(Brady and Jaeger 2013)
Brady and Jaeger (2013) mention that...
"..." (Brady and Jaeger 2013 p. 45)
As outlined by Brady and Jaeger (2013 p. 45), "..."
Reference List
BRADY, L.W. and YAEGER, T.E., eds., 2013. Encyclopedia of radiation oncology. Berlin, Germany: Springer.