RGU Harvard Templates

Generative AI Images

If you are using a screen reader to view this page, please be aware that the templates and examples contain important punctuation and formatting, such as commas, full stops, uppercase text and italics, that are a vital part of referencing. You may need to change the punctuation settings and other settings on your screen reader software in order to correctly hear this information. It may work best to turn on an indication for capital letters and to navigate the templates one character at a time to ensure that all punctuation and capital letters are announced correctly. If you have any problems with this, please contact the library.

The use of generative AI within assignments must comply with RGU guidance. It is your responsibility to check your assignment brief and ensure that the use of AI tools is permitted within an assignment.

Any use of AI tools, including idea and content generation or helping you to plan or develop an assignment, must be acknowledged as a source. Instructions are given below on how to reference the legitimate use of AI within assignments but given how fast the AI landscape is changing these instructions may be subject to change in the coming months.

Non-Text Based AI


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.

NAME OF AI, Year of artwork creation. Description of artwork. [Digital art]. Created for Receiver of artwork, Day/Month of communication.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(OpenAI DALL-E 2023)

Reference List

OPENAI DALL-E, 2023. Infinite pile of books. [Digital art]. Created for John Smith, 14 June.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.

When you can't find a personal author, just use the organisation/owner of the website as the author.

Note: If it is possible for the Generative AI to generate a shared link then we recommend that you do so and reference using the appropriate template.

NAME OF AI, Year of artwork creation. Title of artwork. [online]. Place of publication: Publisher. Available from: URL [Accessed date].


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Shutterstock AI 2023)

Reference List

SHUTTERSTOCK AI, 2023. A magical library filled with hard covered red books, blue books, green books. [online]. New York, NY: Shutterstock. Available from: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-generated/magical-library-filled-hard-covered-red-2273998849 [Accessed 14 June].