RGU Harvard Templates


If you are using a screen reader to view this page, please be aware that the templates and examples contain important punctuation and formatting, such as commas, full stops, uppercase text and italics, that are a vital part of referencing. You may need to change the punctuation settings and other settings on your screen reader software in order to correctly hear this information. It may work best to turn on an indication for capital letters and to navigate the templates one character at a time to ensure that all punctuation and capital letters are announced correctly. If you have any problems with this, please contact the library.

By Ownership


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.

SURNAME OF INTERVIEWEE, First Initial(s)., Year of interview. Interview Title. Interview with Name of interviewer on Date. City where the interview was conducted.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Mathieson 2004)

Mathieson (2004) suggests that...


"..." (Mathieson 2004)

As outlined by Mathieson (2004), "..."

Reference List

MATHIESON, A., 2004. The provision of information to prisoners in Scotland. Interview with C. Brown on 25 June. Aberdeen.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting (CAPITALS, italics), and any punctuation.

SURNAME OF INTERVIEWER, First Initial(s)., Year of interview. Interview with interviewee name on interview date. City where the interview was conducted. [Recording in possession of author].


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Templeton 2008)

Templeton (2008) suggests that...


"..." (Templeton 2008)

As outlined by Templeton (2008), "..."

Reference List

TEMPLETON, E., 2008. Interview with C. Brown on 10 July. Aberdeen. [Recording in possession of author].

Give the interviewees designations, e.g. interviewee A, and use this in your sentence, e.g.: Interviewee A stated that...

If you have included transcripts of the interviews as annexes to your work, then these can be signposted in your text, e.g.: Interviewee A (see annex A) stated that...