Harvard Templates

Personal Communications

If you are using a screen reader to view this page, please be aware that the templates and examples contain important punctuation and formatting, such as commas, full stops, uppercase text and italics, that are a vital part of referencing. You may need to change the punctuation settings and other settings on your screen reader software in order to correctly hear this information. It may work best to turn on an indication for capital letters and to navigate the templates one character at a time to ensure that all punctuation and capital letters are announced correctly. If you have any problems with this, please contact the library.

Medium of Communication


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Sender/Speaker/Author (Year of communication) Medium of communication Receiever of communication, Day/Month of communication.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Kirk, 2024)

According to a telephone conversation with Kirk (2024)...


"..." (Kirk, 2024)

According to Kirk (2024), "..."

Reference List

Kirk, J. (2024) Telephone conversation with Miranda Jones, 25 January.


Types of Communication

This template should be used for most types of communication that are not publicly accessible. This includes verbal communications by telephone or Zoom, Teams, Skype or other video call services. It also applies to written communications such as email, letter, text message or services such as Snapchat, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. This template should not be used for interviews. Please see the interviews template.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Sender/Speaker/Author (Year of communication) Medium of communication Receiever of communication, Day/Month of communication.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(O'Connor, 2024)

According to O'Connor (2024)...


"..." (O'Connor, 2024)

According to O'Connor (2024) "..."

Reference List

O'Connor, B. (2024) Teams chat with Elena Neves, 18 June.


Types of Communication

This template should be used for most types of communication that are not publicly accessible. This includes Zoom, Teams, Skype or other video call services. It also applies to services such as Snapchat, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. This template should not be used for interviews. Please see the interviews template.



Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Interviewee(s) (Year of interview) 'Title of the interview' (if any). Interviewed by interviewer(s), Day/Month of interview.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Belvedere, 2024).

Belvedere (2024) believes that...


"..." (Belvedere, 2024)

According to Belvedere (2024) "..."

Reference List

Belvedere, T. (2024) 'Interview with Thomas Belvedere' Interviewed by Christine Temple, 16 February.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Give the interviewees designations, e.g. interviewee A, and use this in your sentence, e.g.: Interviewee A stated that...

If you have included transcripts of the interviews as annexes to your work, then these can be signposted in your text, e.g.: Interviewee A (see annex A) stated that...


Paraphrasing / Summarising

According to Interviewee A (see annex A)...


According to Interviewee A (see annex A) "..."

Reference List

No reference entry required.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Interviewee (Year of interview) 'Title of the interview' (if any). Interviewed by interviewer for Newspaper Title, Day/Month of interview, page numbers (if relevant).


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Pichai, 2022)

According to Pichai (2022)...


"..." (Pichai, 2022, p. 13)

Pichai (2022, p. 13) stated that "..."

Reference List

Pichai, S. (2022) 'Tech and change'. Interviewed by Stephanie Adewale for The Guardian, 18 June. p. 13.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Interviewee (Year of interview) 'Title of the interview' (if any). Interviewed by interviewer for Broadcast Title Television channel (if appropriate), Day/Month of interview. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Cameron, 2024)

According to Cameron (2024)...


"..." (Cameron, 2024).

Reference List

Cameron, J. (2024) Interviewed by Roman Pearce for Newsnight BBC 2, 19 September. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8045869.stm (Accessed: 25 September 2024).


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Interviewee (Year of interview) 'Title of the interview' (if any). Interviewed by interviewer for Broadcast Title, Day/Month of interview. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).


Paraphrasing / Summarising

According to Sanders (2022)...


"..." (Sanders, 2022)

Sanders (2022) stated that "..."

Reference List

Sanders, B. (2022) Interviewed by Kirsty Wark, for BBC News, 3 March. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0hcrsnp (Accessed: 5 August 2024).