Harvard Templates
Internal Company Documents
Publication Status
Most documents will be available as PDF documents. So, provided they are also published on paper, you can reference them as books. If you are unsure, or cannot find the information for a full reference, reference them as webpages.
The company which authors the report will count as the publisher. If you cannot see a place of publication on the document, check the company's website for information about the headquarters' location.
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.
Author or organisation (Year produced) 'Title of report/document/file'. Name of organisation. Unpublished.
Paraphrasing / Summarising
According to Ademola (2024), ...
... would be possible to inform the patient (Ademola, 2024).
... identified the need for a "total reappraisal of the financial situation" (Ademola, 2024).
Reference List
Ademola, T. (2024) ‘Minutes of budget meeting 18 July 2024’. NHS Grampian, Aberdeen. Unpublished.
Confidential Documents
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.
[Anonymised institution/agency] (Year produced) Document title. Location: [Anonymised producer]. Unpublished.
Paraphrasing / Summarising
The report (Placement agency, 2023) laid out the details of an upcoming ...
Paperwork indicated that the testing resulted in "very satisfactory outcomes with minimal disruption" (Placement Agency, 2023).
Reference List
[Placement agency] (2023) Criteria for experimental procedure 23b. London: [Placement agency]. Unpublished.
If the organisation's name appears in the document title, then anonymise that with square brackets.
Sometimes it is necessary to anonymise details of the person or institution you are referencing. For students working on placements who have been advised that they must anonymise the reference, you can use [Name withheld] for an individual or for an institution, you can a name from this non-exhaustive list: [Placement school], [Placement hospital], [Placement Trust] or [Placement agency].
Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.
[Anonymised NHS Trust] (Year produced) Document title. Location: [Anonymised NHS Trust]. Unpublished.
Paraphrasing / Summarising
... organised into a single document ([Anonymised NHS Trust], 2024).
... defines this as a "mandatory procedure" ([Anonymised NHS Trust], 2024, p.3), using the same language as ...
Reference List
[Anonymised NHS Trust] (2024) Patient information sheet. Aberdeen: [Anonymised NHS Trust]. Unpublished.
Sometimes it is necessary to anonymise details of the person or institution you are referencing. For students working on placements who have been advised that they must anonymise the reference, you can use [Name withheld] for an individual or for an institution, you can a name from this non-exhaustive list: [Placement school], [Placement hospital], [Placement Trust] or [Placement agency].