Harvard Templates

Public Communications

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Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Surname, First inital(s). of speaker (year of lecture) 'Title of lecture' [Lecture]. Module code: module title (if known). Teaching Institution, Teaching Department. Day and month of lecture.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Mancini, 2023)

According to Mancini (2023)...


"..." (Mancini, 2023)

Mancini (2023) stated "..."

Reference List

Mancini, M. (2023) 'Ethics of biomedical science' [Lecture]. PL2999: Biomedical Science 2. Robert Gordon University, School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences. 18 October.


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Name of speaker (year of lecture) 'Title of lecture' [Recorded Lecture]. Module code: module title (if known). Teaching Institution, Teaching Department. Day and month of lecture.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

(Zhou, 2024)

According to Zhou (2024)...


"..." (Zhou, 2024)

According to Zhou (2024) "..."

Reference List

Zhou, L. (2024) 'What makes a professional' [Recorded lecture]. EN1600: Professional skills. Robert Gordon University, School of Engineering. 30 September.

Conferences and Webinars


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Author/Speaker (Year of publication) Title [Medium]. Institution or venue. City. Day month.


Paraphrasing / Summarising

...can cause disruption in times of war (Hasan, 2022).

As outlined by Hasan (2022), ...


"..."can cause disruption in times of war (Hasan, 2022).

As outlined by Hasan (2022), "..."

Reference List

Hasan, G.N. (2022) Life during wartime [Conference]. Music Hall, Aberdeen. 18 September.


Common types of [Medium] include: [Seminar], [Webinar], [Conference]. For RGU Lectures delivered as part of your course, see "Lectures".


Please ensure that you follow the template exactly, including text formatting such as italics and punctuation.

Author/Speaker (Year of publication) Title [Webinar]. Event (if applicable). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).


Paraphrasing / Summarising

... can be beneficial to maintain the structure (Adzo, 2020).

According to Adzo (2020) best practice involves....


"..." can be beneficial to maintain the structure (Adzo, 2020).

According to Adzo (2020) best practice involves "..."

Reference List

Adzo, J.P. (2020) Bringing data to life. [Recorded webinar]. University College London. Available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/grand-challenges/events/2020/apr/ucl-bringing-data-to-life (Accessed: 13 September 2024).


Common types of [Medium] include: [Recorded Seminar], [Recorded Webinar], [Recorded Conference]. For RGU Lectures delivered as part of your course, see "Lectures".