OSCOLA Referencing
Cases from other jurisdictions
The following is guidance for referencing cases from other jurisdictions. Guides for citations from other jurisdictions can be found in section 4.3 of the official OSCOLA 4th edition appendix.
Cite cases from other jurisdictions as they are cited in their own jurisdiction, but with minimal punctuation. If the name of the law report series cited does not itself indicate the court, and the identity of the court is not obvious from the context, you should also give this in either full or short form in brackets at the end of the citation. When citing a decision of the highest court of a US state, the abbreviation of the name of the state suffices.
Examples (Footnotes/Table of cases):
Henningsen v Bloomfield Motors Inc 161 A 2d 69 (NJ 1960).
Roe v Wade 410 US 113, 163–64 (1973).
Waltons Stores (Interstate) Ltd v Maher (1988) 164 CLR 387.
BGH NJW 1992, 1659.
Cass civ (1) 21 January 2003, D 2003, 693.
CA Colmar 25 January 1963, Gaz Pal 1963.I.277.