OSCOLA Referencing
Conference Papers
The following are examples of how to reference conference papers.
When citing conference papers that were only available at a conference or directly from the author, give the author, the title in quotation marks and then in brackets the title, location and date of the conference. If a conference paper has been published, cite the published version instead; papers that are available online should include a web address and date of access. Cite conference papers that are not publicly available only if you have the author’s permission.
Author name(s), | 'Paper Title' | (Conference Title, | Town/city | Month | year).
Example (Footnote):
Ben McFarlane and Donal Nolan, ‘Remedying Reliance: The Future Development of Promissory and Proprietary Estoppel in English Law’ (Obligations III conference, Brisbane, July 2006).
Example (Bibliography):
McFarlane M and Nolan D, ‘Remedying Reliance: The Future Development of Promissory and Proprietary Estoppel in English Law’ (Obligations III conference, Brisbane, July 2006).