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OSCOLA Referencing

Secondary Legislation: Scotland


The following are examples of how to reference Statutory Instruments of the Scottish Parliament. See the FAQs for general guidance on citing legislation.


Statutory Instruments

Cite a statutory instrument of the Scottish Parliamant (including Acts of Sederunt and Acts of Adjournal) by its title, year and SI or SSI number. Cite parts of Statutory Instruments in the same way as parts of UK Statutory Instruments.


Template (Footnote/Table of Legislation):

Title | Year | SI or SSI Number.


Breeding of Dogs (Licensing Records) (Scotland) Regulations 1999, SSI 1999/176.

Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session 1994) 1994, SI 1994/1443.

Act of Adjournal (Criminal Appeals) 2003, SSI 2003/387.