OSCOLA Referencing

European Court of Justice (ECJ) and General Court (GC) Judgments


The following are examples of how to reference ECJ and GC judgments.


European Court of Justice (ECJ) Judgments

ECJ judgments are numbered with the prefix C-, but only after 1989. Reference the European Court Reports (ECR), where possible. ECJ judgments are reported in ECR volume I (ECR I).


Template (Footnote/Table of Legislation):

case number | case name | [year] | ECR | volume- | first page.


Case C-766/18 Foundation for the Protection of the Traditional Cheese of Cyprus named Halloumi v European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) [2019] ECR I-170.

General Court (GC) Judgments

GC judgments are numbered with the prefix T-, but only after 1989. Reference the European Court Reports (ECR), where possible. GC judgments are reported in ECR volume II (ECR II).


Template (Footnote/Table of Legislation):

case number | case name | [year] | ECR | II- | first page.


Case T–344/99 Arne Mathisen AS v Council [2002] ECR II–2905.

Older ECJ and GC Judgments

Pre-1989 judgments of the ECJ and GC were reported in a single volume (ECR) and do not contain a prefix (C- or T-).


Template (Footnote/Table of Legislation):

case number | case name | [year] | ECR | first page.


Case 240/83 Procureur de la République v ADBHU [1985] ECR 531.

Opinions of Advocates General

When citing an opinion of an Advocate General, add 'Opinion of AG [name]' after the case citation and a comma (and before any pinpoint).


Template (Footnote/Table of Legislation):

case number | case name | [year] | report abbreviation | first page.


Case C–411/05 Palacios de la Villa v Cortefiel Servicios SA [2007] ECR I–8531, Opinion of AG Mazák.