APA Referencing
Blog posts
Blog post with date and named author
Reference list:
Lehmiller, J. J. (2018, June 18). There’s just one problem with suppressing sexual thoughts – it doesn’t work. Sex and Psychology. https://www.lehmiller.com/blog/2018/6/18/theres-just-one-problem-with-suppressing-sexual-thoughtsit-doesnt-work
(Lehmiller, 2018) or Lehmiller (2018) suggests that…
Blog post with named author but no date
Elias, B. (n.d.). How to Stop Feeling Judged at the Gym: The Psychology of Gym Anxiety. Routine Excellence. http://routineexcellence.com/stop-feeling-judged-gym-psychology-gym-anxiety/
(Elias, n.d.)… or Elias (n.d.) proposes that…
Blog post with only author’s screen name available, date included, blog is on a magazine’s website
Neuroskeptic. (2017, October 3). Is it time to redefine statistical significance? [Blog post]. Discover. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/neuroskeptic/2017/10/03/redefine-statistical-significance
(Neuroskeptic, 2017) or in a blog post, Neuroskeptic (2017) argues that...