APA Referencing


Available In Print


Author (Year of approval by awarding institution). Title. [Type of dissertation or thesis]. Awarding institution.

Reference list:

Brown, C.M. (2003). The provision of information to prisoners in Scotland: an investigation into the requirement and current methods of delivery with recommendations for a framework of effective information provision. [Unpublished Masters dissertation]. The Robert Gordon University.

The citation in your text will be:

(Brown, 2003)

or, if you have quoted directly,

(Brown, 2003, p. 33).

If you have used the author(s) name(s) in your sentence then only the year of publication, with a page reference if necessary, is placed after it in brackets, eg.

Brown (2003) suggests that ...

or, if you have quoted directly,

Brown (2003, p. 33) states that ...

Available Online


Author (Year of approval by awarding institution). Title. [Type of dissertation or thesis, Awarding institution]. Institutional repository, if applicable. URL

A dissertation made available electronically is considered to be published.

Dissertation from university repository or institutional repository:

Reference: Marcella-Hood, M. (2019). Scottish style: the construction of Scottish identity amongst fashion and style influencers on Instagram [Doctoral dissertation, Robert Gordon University]. OpenAir@RGU. https://rgu-repository.worktribe.com/output/241827/scottish-style-the-construction-of-scottish-identity-amongst-fashion-and-style-influencers-on-instagram

Citation: (Marcella-Hood, 2019) or …Marcella-Hood (2019)…

Dissertation published on the internet (not in database or institutional repository):

Reference: Sutton, I. (2007). An assessment of hand drilling potential in upland and lowland Dambo environments of Malawi [Masters dissertation, Cranfield University]. http://protosh2o.act.be/VIRTUELE_BIB/

Citation: (Sutton, 2007) or Sutton (2007) reported that…