APA Referencing
Newspaper articles
Newspaper articles
This template should be followed for articles published in physical newspapers where the author's name is given. Scroll down for associated examples.
Reid, R. (2007, October 24). Dons fan threatens legal action: disappointed student claims to have spent three hours on phone trying to buy ticket. The Press and Journal, p. 1, 3.
The citation in your text will be:
(Reid, 2007)
or, if you have quoted directly,
(Reid, 2007, p. 3).
If you have used the authors' names in your sentence then only the year of publication, with a page reference if necessary, is placed after it in brackets, eg
Reid (2007) suggests that ...
or, if you have quoted directly,
Reid (2007, p. 3) states that ...
Other Examples
Online newspaper article
Miller, P. (2014, May 21). Private funeral for wife of author Gray. HeraldScotland. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/private-funeral-for-wife-of-author-gray.24278696
(Miller, 2014)… or …Miller (2014)…
Newspaper article with no author given
Times. (2007, October 24). Flu risk to ducks. The Times, p. 4.
(Times, 2007)
Online newspaper article with no author given
To avoid repetition, the newspaper’s name is not repeated as it is given instead of author’s name.
Evening Express. (2014, May 22). Firearms officer drove at 60mph on wrong side of road in Aberdeen. http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/news/local/firearms-officer-drove-at-60mph-on-wrong-side-of-road-in-aberdeen-1.382464
(Evening Express, 2014)… or “…in an article in the Aberdeen Evening Express (2014) it was reported that…”