APA Referencing
Work of art
Work of art
Example: original work of art in a museum or gallery’s collection
Sargent, J.S. (1907). Lady Agnew of Lochnaw. [Painting]. National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.
The citation in your text will be:
(Sargent, 1907)
If you have used the name of the artist and the title of the work of art in your sentence then only the year of its creation is placed after it in brackets.
Sargent's Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (1907) ...
Other Examples
Original work of art which you have seen on a webpage
Wyeth, A. (1948). Christina’s world. [Painting]. Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, United States. https://www.moma.org/collection/works/78455
(Wyeth, 1948)
Original work of art where the artist is not normally known by his or her full real name
Rembrandt. (1642). The Nightwatch. [Painting]. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
(Rembrandt, 1642)
Untitled work of art, date circa a two-year period, seen on gallery’s website
Give a description of untitled artwork in square brackets instead of a title.
Rothko, M. (c.1950-52). [Two squares in different shades of yellow, above a grey rectangle]. [Painting]. Tate St. Ives, St. Ives, Cornwall, England. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/rothko-untitled-t04148
(Rothko, c.1950-52)… or …Rothko (c.1950-52)…