APA Referencing

Conference presentations and posters


Presenter(s) (Year, month and dates of conference). Title of presentation/poster. [Type of presentation]. Name of conference, Location of conference. Abstract URL (optional)

Reference list (poster example, no abstract retrieved):

Quinn, F., McCann, B. & Stevens, G. (2017, December 11-12). The social experience of exercise in public places: Exploratory qualitative study. [Poster presentation]. Annual conference of the BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Glasgow, Scotland.


(Quinn et al., 2017)… or Quinn et al. (2017) reported that...

Oral presentation example, with abstract retrieved:

Reference: Quinn, F., McCann, B. & Stevens, G. (2018, June 3-6). The social experience of exercise in public places: Exploratory qualitative study. [Oral presentation]. Annual meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Hong Kong. https://www.isbnpa.org/index.php?r=article/view&id=102

Citation: Quinn et al. (2018)… or… (Quinn et al., 2018)

Presentation as part of symposium

A symposium is a conference session with a series of related oral presentations on a theme, with one or more chairs organising the session.

Reference: Hobbs, N. & Dixon, D. (2009, September 9-11). Do implementation intentions affect behaviour in individuals? In D. Johnston and M. Johnston (Chairs), Do our Theories Work Within the Individual? [Symposium]. Annual conference of the BPS Division of Health Psychology, Birmingham, England.

Citation: Hobbs and Dixon (2009)… or … (Hobbs & Dixon, 2009)…