APA Referencing
Named episode
Jarrett, C. & Smith, G. (Hosts). (2016, June 13). How to be sarcastic (No.6) [Audio podcast episode]. In PsychCrunch. https://digest.bps.org.uk/2016/06/13/episode-6-how-to-be-sarcastic/
(Jarrett & Smith, 2016) or …Jarrett and Smith (2016)…
or if you have quoted directly from an episode:
(Jarret and Smith, 2018, 8:32) where the quote starts 8 minutes and 32 seconds in.
Named episode, podcast is associated with organisation:
Name of the organisation goes in non-italic letters after the podcast’s name.
Reference: Mills, K. (Host). (2018, May 16). Self-driving cars [Audio podcast episode]. In Speaking of Psychology. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/research/action/speaking-of-psychology/self-driving-cars
Citation: (Mills, 2018) or …Mills (2018)…
Podcast as a whole, no specific episode
Reference: Green, C. D. (Host). (2006-2012). This Week in the History of Psychology. [Audio Podcast]. http://www.yorku.ca/christo/podcasts/
Citation: (Green, 2006-2012) … or Green (2006-2012) hosted a podcast on the history of psychology…