APA Referencing
Encyclopaedia entry
The following example applies only where each entry in an encyclopaedia has an identified author. Otherwise, simply reference the encyclopaedia itself as a book and insert a page reference in the citation in your text.
Reference list:
Osborn, F.J. (1976). Industrial housing estates. In A. Whittick (Ed.), Encyclopedia of urban planning (pp. 29-31). McGraw-Hill.
Example of entry in multi-volume encyclopedia:
Hepburn, J. M. (2010). Jealousy. In I. B. Weiner & W. B. Craighead (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (Vol. 2, p.883). Wiley.
The citation in your text will be:
(Osborn, 1976)
or, if you have quoted directly,
(Osborn, 1976, p. 29).
If you have used the author(s) name(s) in your sentence then only the year of publication, with a page reference if necessary, is placed after it in brackets, eg.
Osborn (1976) suggests that ...
or, if you have quoted directly,
Osborn (1976, p. 29) states that ...