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Individual presentation


Author(s) of the individual presentation (Year, and date of conference). Title of individual presentation. In Chair of the symposium (chair), Title of symposium. [Symposium]. Name of conference. Location.



Chambers, C. (2018, May 2-4). Registered reports five years on: A vaccine against bias in research and publishing. In M. Andrews (chair), Innovations in Open Science. [Symposium]. Annual conference of the British Psychological Society, Nottingham, UK.


The citation in your text will be:

(Chambers, 2018)

If you have used the author(s) in your sentence then only the year of publication, with a page reference if necessary, is placed after it in brackets, eg

Chambers (2018) argued that ...

Entire symposium


Chair of the symposium [chair]. (Year, and date of conference). Title of symposium. [Symposium]. Name of conference, Location.


Reference (reference individual presentations if possible):

Andrews, M. [chair]. (2018, May 2-4). Innovations in Open Science. [Symposium]. Annual conference of the British Psychological Society, Nottingham, UK.