APA Referencing
Unpublished Works
Unpublished Works
Unpublished piece of writing (book, article, etc.)
If you download an article from a web repository, such as a preprint, postprint or e-print, you should reference as an eprint. See page on referencing preprints/eprints. An article on the internet is considered to be informally published. An example of unpublished work might be a an article that you have written or been sent by the author which has not been published, or has been submitted for publication but with no decision yet.
Doe, J. (2018). How to Take Over the World. [Unpublished manuscript].
The citation in your text will be:
(Doe, 2018)
or, if you have quoted directly,
(Doe, 2018, p. 16).
If you have used the author's name in your sentence then only the year of publication, with a page reference if necessary, is placed after it in brackets, eg
Doe (2018) suggests that ...
or, if you have quoted directly,
Doe (2018, p. 16) states that ...
Other Examples
Unpublished manuscript associated with university (example from the APA Manual)
Blackwell, E. & Concord, P. J. (2003). A Five-Dimensional Measure of Drinking Motives [Unpublished manuscript]. Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia.
(Blackwell & Concord, 2003)… or …Blackwell and Concord (2003)…Manuscript submitted to a journal for publication (example from the APA Manual)
Ting, J. Y., Florsheim, P. & Huang, W. (2008). Mental health help-seeking in ethnic minority populations: A theoretical perspective [Manuscript submitted for publication].
(Ting, Florsheim & Huang, 2008)
Informally published or work published by self on website, not dated
Informally-published work (e.g. on author’s website) is not unpublished, so this is not indicated in square brackets. Such work is often cited like a webpage.
Ajzen, I. (n.d.). Designing a TPB Intervention. http://people.umass.edu/aizen/tpb.html
(Ajzen, n.d.)…